Check back on this page for news from our organization and stories about the impact CASA Volunteers are making in our community.



CASA's Year End Giving Guide

As the end of the year approaches, we know it’s the time our community starts thinking about their end-of-year charitable contributions. The timing of your generous donations affects your eligibility for your income tax deduction. If you would like to donate by: 

- Checks – Checks sent via USPS to CASA for Douglas County must be postmarked on or before Saturday, December 31st.  

- Credit Cards – Online credit card contributions must be submitted to CASA’s website by 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, December 31st 

Donations given to CASA for Douglas County help us ensure that volunteers like Christina have all the necessary tools and support they need to amplify the voice of their CASA child.  

“I love being a CASA! I have been with my kiddo for about a year, and it has been and continues to be extremely rewarding. I have had the privilege of building a special relationship with a very sensitive, hilarious, beautiful, and resilient young woman. We spend time together doing a little bit of everything; sports, crafts, doctor visits, tutoring, foster family bonding activities, court hearing, trials, and trying restaurants all over town. I genuinely care about her and feel her love and appreciation for my consistency and advocacy. It has been an incredible opportunity to watch her grow into herself and bloom beyond all the challenges against her. Working with her team of case professionals to build a foundation of support and communication for my CASA child has been educational. Knowing that my child considers me to be a trusting person in her life now when a year ago she was so shielded and distant is fabulous. Being her CASA brings me such enjoyment and, whether I am influencing her laughter or being receptive to her tears, I can't say enough about how amazing our time together is. I honestly wish I had known about CASA years ago, I'd be going on my 20th anniversary.” 

Christina, CASA since 2021 

If you have questions or would like to arrange other types of donations (stock, property, etc.) please contact Kimberly C. Barnes, Executive Director, at no later than December 22nd.

The CASA office will be closed starting December 22nd at 3:00 pm and will reopen on January 3rd. We are thankful for your support of CASA for Douglas County.