CASA for Douglas County is looking for compassionate male advocates!

While 47% of the CASA children we serve are male, only 16% of our current advocates are men. That’s a statistic we hope to change! Kind and dedicated men can make a world of difference for children who need support from a confident and attentive advocate.

Female volunteers are abundant in social services, while male volunteers are harder to find. With only 16% of our advocates being men, there is identifiable disproportionality amongst male Advocates at CASA for Douglas County. More advocates would be invaluable for the children we serve and could increase our capacity dramatically. 

MEN of CASA are invaluable male figures. 

Many children in the child welfare system haven't had the opportunity to experience the support and guidance of a reliable and responsible male figure in their lives. Boys, in particular, need positive male role models. Younger boys in the child welfare system rarely have constant male role models who can help make sure their needs are met and their voices are heard. Teenage boys frequently age out of the foster care system without finding permanent homes or family connections that will help them become productive adults.

SUPPORT a child.

As a CASA Advocate, you will be part of supporting a child from additional trauma. You will gather facts and make recommendations to a judge, advise and consult with child welfare caseworkers, help guide the outcomes of a high-intensity situation, and advocate for a child’s right to be safe.

Click here to watch CASA Advocate Tim Nissen's testimony on being a Court Appointed Special Advocate!

JOIN MEN OF CASA and amplify the voice of a child who needs you.

Join us in making a lasting impact on the lives of children impacted by the child welfare system. Together, we can create a brighter future for all. Learn more about becoming a CASA Advocate!