CASA for Douglas County needs more Black & African American individuals to serve Black & African American children living in foster care.

Black/African American children make up 13% of Douglas County’s child population but account for 41% of children removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect. Only 6% of Douglas County CASA Advocates are Black/African American.

CASA for Douglas County serves children and families of all cultures, abilities, identities, and backgrounds. We are committed to our goal of amplifying the voice of all children in the foster care system and providing each child with the highest level of volunteer advocacy.

To meet this goal, we strive to recruit CASA Advocates of diverse backgrounds. It is important for our Advocates to not only represent the children we serve, but to ensure the children have someone they can relate to and identify with.

ADVOCATE for a child who needs your support.

Children and families of color are disproportionately represented in the child welfare system in Nebraska and nationwide.  We work diligently to ensure all of our advocates are trained, prepared and equipped to work with any child.  We recognize the importance of advocates who look like the child and can speak with them directly about their culture and experiences. 

In order for CASA advocates to amplify a child’s voice and speak up for their best interests, they must have a strong, trusting, positive relationship with the child. Black/African American children are more likely to form a deeper relationship with CASA advocates who have been through similar life experiences and are comfortable having conversations with them about issues unique to their racial and ethnic identity.

Read our blog about the importance of representation within the child welfare system. 

Sources: Children, Black/African American | KIDS COUNT Data CenterKids Count County Data – Voices for ChildrenFoster Care Review Office (

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