This section is a compilation of answers to the questions most commonly asked by the community. Just start by following one of the links below. If you can’t find the question you wanted to ask, don’t hesitate to contact us.

  1. What's the difference between CASA Volunteer Advocate and a mentor?

    Volunteer mentors provide guidance, advice, and a positive influence to youth in our community in a variety of life situations.
    While a CASA Volunteer Advocate often serves as a mentor, friend, confidante, role model, and more, their primary role is to advocate for the best interest of a child in foster care or the Juvenile Justice system. After completing training, CASA Volunteer Advocates are sworn in as Officers of the Court and have the ability to make impactful changes in children’s lives through the Juvenile Court system. You make a tremendous impact on a child - 82% of CASA Volunteer Advocate's recommendations are accepted by the court in Douglas County.

  2. What is the time commitment? Can I do this and work full time?

    Our Volunteer Advocates report on average spending 10-12 hours per month on the case. Over 65% of our CASA Volunteer Advocates are employed full-time.

  3. Do people get upset or disagree with CASA?

    There are times when people will disagree with each other about what is in the best interest of the child. Being open, hearing all sides, and taking in all the information to make an informed decision allows for collaboration. Certain situations will be settled by agreeing to disagree, knowing that everyone has the best interest of the child at heart.

  4. Where is the biggest need?

    CASA for Douglas County serves children from birth up until they turn 19 and age out of the system. 65% of the children we serve are between 0 - 13.